Local Businesses to Shop this Season
‘Tis the season for holiday shopping! Since it’s that time of year, it seems like the perfect opportunity to share my favorite local New England businesses to support.
As someone who is passionate about sustainability, I think it’s important to touch on how important shopping locally is and how important supporting small businesses is to sustainability. While these options aren’t the only aspects of sustainability, they certainly are a huge piece of the puzzle. By shopping locally, you’re creating less of a carbon footprint because these goods don’t have to travel far, especially if they’re purchased directly from the maker. Supporting small businesses in our community is an incredible way to reinvest in our community. It also creates a larger demand for their products, which keeps these charming, small businesses alive and growing! Generally speaking, small, local businesses tend to be more focused on quality, community and sustainability than larger corporations.
Here are a few of my favorite small businesses local to New England:
Clothing + Accessories
Melanie Casey Jewelry (Andover, MA)
Kenworthy (Edgartown, MA)
Garnet Hill (Franconia, NH)
Small Gifts
Olives + Grace (Boston, MA)
Near and Native (Portland, ME)
Venn + Maker (Portland, ME)
Follian (Boston, MA)
For Now (Boston, MA)
Ashley Provencher Art (Boston, MA)
Rachael Cassiani (Martha’s Vineyard, MA)
Lost is Found Photography (New Hampshire)
Furniture + Home Decor
Lighthouse Woodworks (Boston, MA)
Myrth Ceramics (Somerville, MA)
Vermont Farm Table (Vermont)
Elburne Shop (Hanover and Dennis, MA)
Neatly Nested (Boston, MA)
When it comes to shopping, we really do "vote" with our dollars- where we spend our money is where we create demand, and demand keeps businesses running. By shopping small, we are supporting our community. By shopping locally, we are supporting sustainability and community. If you have any other local shops you love, please feel free to leave their name and website in the comments on this post - I'd love to know about them!