LD Cape Home Design Bathroom Updates!

Okay so last blog post I left you all in a little bit of a faux. I fully intended to do a blog post the following week updating you all on the actual design, showing you floor plans and 3d models of the space. But projects take priority, I seemingly haven't had time to get in the mindset and sit down to write a blog post.

While I'm writing this, it's a Sunday morning, I have a green tea in hand, and am listening to Taylor Swift's new album, Folklore on repeat. (Which I do have to add is increadible and is my favorite album -- to date, that is.)

So now that I got that off my chest, let's get down to business. I am so incredibly excited about our bathroom and am so excited for it to be done! Mike is doing such an amazing job on renovating it.

Let's recap

Last blog post I shared the details of where I sourced our finishes and materials from. I broke down the details of the items and the why behind them. We dove into inspiration for the space, and the goals we wanted to accomplish.

When we started the renovation, we had fully intended on keeping the plumbing where it was for cost and simplicity. But Mike realized that he was going to have to replace everything, so we switched things up.

We opted for moving our shower towards the window to allow for a foot and a half longer shower! That switch enabled us to have a bench seat with a niche cut out for extra shower storage. With that, we have the toilet and vanity on opposite sides. On the vanity side, we had enough space to add in a little custom shelving unit, too. This was a must for me because before, we were storing our towels in the hallway closet. Which is fine, except when you get out of the shower and forgot to grab a towel beforehand, and then you have to run into the cold hallway dragging water everywhere.

So, do you guys want to see the design?!

I figured I would do this renovation as more of a design process, rather than just showing the final product. I do this with my projects, so why not do this with our own renovation? I think it's also important to show the realistic side of a renovation project. Not everything goes to plan, and it's okay to change and navigate while in the process.

Let me start with the initial layout. I should also preface this with saying that I used the Canvas scanner to get all the dimensions of our home. I use this tool with my client's projects and it saves so much time!

As you can see, there isn't a lot for storage, and a lot of wasted space in the corners of the bathroom.

So, we ended up flipping the space around to end up with this layout!

At first, I was so excited about drywalling the shower. Then, I got nervous and felt like I screwed up. And then once Mike started building the walls, I knew it was a good call. Since the window is right where the glass door is, it actually allows for a lot of light in the space. The tiles are all very light in the shower, so it will help reflect the light in the space.

To make the bathroom feel even bigger, we raised the ceiling quite a bit. That is why there are going to be exposed beams in the space now! I think it gives the bathroom a lot of character and adds to the 1870's feel.

We may or may not do the shiplap on the vanity wall. That is something that I'm not sure about! Another thing I'm not sure about is the marble layout in the shower. That's why I have it just as marble and not a pattern. I have two ideas, and I think I'm going to do a little poll to see what people think will look best. One is very safe, and the other is different and could look amazing, or look off and tired in a couple of years. So, it's just all about the risk level and if I want to try something unique! (Which I'm leaning towards).

That's what's fun about designing your home as an interior designer. Taking risks. It's fun to try out things on your own home before doing them to client's home!

I'm all about doing something timeless, but I also want my designs to be unique and look the exact same. It's fun coming up with interesting designs that speak to your home's integrity and your personal style.

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

Let me know what you think of the design!


