While 2018 has been off to a very confused weather start, I’ve been really thinking about this year and what I would like to see from it. Here, I’m sharing with you guys my 2018 bucket list items. From lifestyle, to travel, work, to family, there's a bit of every piece of my life in here.

Travel to a new country

Mike and I have been planning an Italy/Germany trip for quite some time now. And, well, its time that we get a move on it! I lived in Florence for 4 months back when I was in college, and I’ve always wanted to bring him back to the place that I love so dearly. With Mike’s family being from Germany, he has always wanted to go there and see some of the engineering and cars they have out there.

Become fluent in Italian

To that travel notion, I've been using the Dulingo app pretty much every morning since last spring. For 10 minutes each morning I've been learning how to speak Italian, and pretty well if I do say myself! It's time to kick it into high gear and become fluent so I can speak it when we head back to Italy!

Get more organized


So, my 800 square foot Boston apartment doesn’t have much storage…shocker! I’ve done my best, but it’s time that I clean out the old stuff, like that 2012 to-do-list notebook that I found a few weeks ago. Remind me again why I kept that and how its survived the 5 moves I’ve had since then?

Take steps for dream job

Well, yeah, I am working my dream job running my own company, but there’s more that I want to do with it. For one, I want my business to have a shop with custom furniture that Mike and I make. (Well, he makes, I just design it haha)

Learn more quick, healthy recipes


I’m on the go and out pretty regularly. One thing that I love doing when I’m home is meal prep on Sundays. I will usually make a couple lunches and dinners, and then have things like oatmeal and a smoothie for a quick breakfast. I hate spending a lot of time cooking, even though I love it. I would rather dedicate an hour or two and have a bunch of meals ready to go so I don’t get hangry. (Trust me, I definitely do!) I’ve found that I usually make the same old boring taco or pasta meals, so I’ve been trying to get better. Check out the 18 meals for 2018 that I have been getting inspiration from.

Clean out my wardrobe


I have so many clothes, like so many. And lets face it, I really only wear maybe 20% of them. I do this thing where I think I’m going to wear something, and I just cant let it go, even though I havent worn it in two years. For some reason I feel like when I do throw it out is when I’ll have “the perfect outfit” for that shirt and be so mad that I threw it out. Anyone else feel me?

Buy a home

Mike and I have been looking for SO LONG and just havent found anything yet. My biggest goal this year is to buy a home with him. Even though I wont be living there just yet (we are old fashioned that way :) ), it would be nice to not have to do that 8 hour train ride every month and get to see Mike on a regular basis.

Visit my family more

Growing up, my family was so close. And we definitely still are. I don’t think I realized how amazing my family was until I went to college and I wasn’t with them all the time. It’s funny because my brother and my parents are my best friends. We have a group message that we text in all the time, and there’s almost never a day that I don’t go without talking to one of them. With my parents living about 2 hours away, and my brother being in NYC, we don’t get to see each other all that often. And when I say often, I mean I see my parents maybe 1x a month…haha But, going to the Cape house in the summer is always amazing. With work this past summer, I really scheduled so many things, and I only got down to the Cape twice during the summer. It’s my goal to schedule more time to take off with my family and really just learn to rest.

Rest more

Piggy-backing off of that, I’ve also realized that I need to schedule more down and rest time. I am a firm believer in hard work, but I also don’t believe that “the grind” should be deemed the way of life. Putting away distractions, working hard during working hours, and then enjoying a couple hours for down time with Mike, family, and friends is ideal for me. I used to get anxious when I wasn’t working all the time, and even if I was watching the Patriots or a movie, I had to be on my laptop doing some marketing, or revamping my website, or one of the hundred different things I do for my business. In reality, those couple hours are not going to make all the difference. The real difference is living in the moment with my loved ones, and I need to get in a better habit of doing that. Before, I used to think that I needed to get things done asap, like right when I got an email from a client or vendor. But lets face it, we all have families, we all have friends. No one should feel guilty for not staying up until 11 and waking up at 4 to get things done. (And yes, that is what I was doing because I thought that’s really how it worked). It’s funny, but I feel like when I schedule these times to hangout and relax, I’m more productive because I know that I’m not going to work during those times.

Learn a new hobby


While getting the shop ready, I’ve been wanting to get back into sewing. My dad, yes my dad, taught me how to sew when I was in middle school. After getting away from it for a while now, I would love to start back up again! That counts as a new hobby right?

I’d love to hear your goals for this year!



#2018 #newyear #bucketlist
